RAFI-OTT conducts Organizational Capacity Assessment to Native Tree Growing Partner POs

April 11, 2023

The Ramon Aboitiz Foundation Inc. (RAFI)’s One To Tree (OTT) Program, conducted a series of organizational capacity assessment to existing people’s organization (POs) from month of February up to March 2023. This is part of the advocacy component of OTT’s Community and Stakeholder Engagement (CSE) unit in strengthening capabilities of partner POs.

The objective was to assess capabilities of existing PO partners in (8) key areas: formalization of organization, governance, functional organizational structure & systems, responsible leadership, active membership, financial management, and capacity building management.

The assessment intends to get the information on the PO membership organization profiles, socio-demographic characteristics of organizational members, and the potential assistance or needs of organizational members in RAFI OTT programs and services. The assessment was conducted through focused group discussion with the PO officers and identified committee members.

Most of the PO officers expressed their gratitude to RAFI and funding partners who supported the native tree growing project. They are also happy that they have been given the opportunity to help preserve the environment, and at the same time help their organization revitalized their goals because of the alternative livelihood support component of the project.

“Through the organizational capacity assessment, we were able to recognize the status and the level of our organization at the present. We are looking forward to see the result of the assessment and we are excited for the recommended trainings that would help us improve and strengthen our organization” said Lolita Tampus, PO President, Rural Workers Association of Tindog (RWAT).

As a result, 10 POs were already assessed. Final assessment results will be presented to partner POs for validation and will be consolidated for organizational diagnosis. Moreover, a capacity development intervention plan will also be developed vis-a-vis with the identified gaps and priority needs.